What is Meadow Haven and Why You Should Follow This Blog

Years ago we fell in love with this Cajun countryside and decided to dig our family roots with its oaks.

Just as we have been caring for the land, it has been nurturing us with special life lessons.

Appreciation for God’s magnificent work. The beauty of the sunset, wildflowers and berries. The wildlife and the creatures that swim, slither, fly and crawl around with us. Respecting the land and teaching our children the value of hard work.

The freedom of running through an open field. Hitting, kicking, or throwing anything that will never make it to the other side. The sound of giggling and singing carrying with the wind. The sight of shoes flying, fairy wings flapping, and the youngest one stumbling behind.

The thrill of adventure that fills our hearts every time we pull in. Swinging in the live oaks. Climbing the majestic limbs. The wonder of how our journey will continue, making memories and building our beloved home.

This is our place. The spot that holds our family together, but gives us the space to branch apart. This is our refuge, where we can be comfortable with who we are. This is our land of opportunity so we can discover who we were meant to be.

These are our oaks that surround us. This is our field of dreams.

This is our meadow haven.

Home is so important. The way it makes you feel. The people who live there. It’s where you spend your time. The place to lead by example, watch the ordinary moments, celebrate milestones, and to raise kind, strong children for the world.

Eventually, we will carry over to this special place and build new opportunities from the ground up. I am excited to show my design vision, ideas, and ways to make it happen.

This blog will share so many aspects of our journey. The stories about the love we have already built and the way we will shape our future. It will also feature content about perspectives, faith, and fun along the way.

I want to make this a refreshing experience and inspire others to take the risk, enjoy the process, and create a beautiful sanctuary.

If you want to see every step to building a cottage farmhouse then please join us. If you want to see high peaked gables, arches galore, a wrap around porch and all the details to make this home a southern living dream then you will want to follow along. Let me take you on this journey across the vast landscape, step through the open door and come on in. Welcome to our home.

Published by Tova Stelly

Mom, homemaker, and design enthusiast building a life on four acres.

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